





  1. 「留学」(Study):日本の教育機関で学ぶ外国の学生のための資格。
  2. 「就労」(Work Visa):日本での職業活動やビジネスに従事する外国人のための資格。
  3. 「日本人の配偶者・子」(Spouse or Child of Japanese National):日本市民の配偶者や子供のための資格。
  4. 「定住者」(Long-term Resident):長期間日本に在住しており、特定の要件を満たす人のための資格。
  5. 「技能実習」(Technical Intern Training):技術研修プログラムに参加する外国人のための資格。



Foreign nationals who plan to stay in Japan for more than 3 months are required to obtain a residence status (also known as “zairyu shikaku” in Japanese). Here, we will provide a basic overview of residence status:

Residence status refers to the legal status granted by the Japanese government to foreign nationals allowing them to stay in Japan for specific purposes. Each residence status corresponds to different activities or reasons for stay, and the duration of stay may vary depending on the type of status obtained.

Some common types of residence status include:

  1. “Student” (留学): For foreign students studying at educational institutions in Japan.
  2. “Work Visa” (就労): For individuals engaged in work or business activities in Japan.
  3. “Spouse or Child of Japanese National” (日本人の配偶者・子): For spouses and children of Japanese citizens.
  4. “Long-term Resident” (定住者): For those who have been residing in Japan for an extended period and meet specific criteria.
  5. “Technical Intern Training” (技能実習): For foreign nationals participating in technical training programs in Japan.

It is essential for foreign nationals to apply for the appropriate residence status that aligns with the purpose of their stay. The application process involves submitting necessary documents and fulfilling specific requirements set by the Japanese immigration authorities.

It is essential to comply with the conditions of the granted residence status and extend or renew it if necessary before its expiration. Failure to do so may result in penalties, deportation, or other legal consequences.



在留資格: 在留資格とは、日本に滞在するための法的なステータスや資格のことを指します。つまり、外国人が日本に滞在するために、日本政府が許可を与える資格です。例えば、留学や就労、家族との滞在など、滞在する目的に応じて異なる在留資格があります。在留資格があることで、外国人は日本で合法的に滞在し、活動することができます。

ビザ: ビザは、在留資格を取得するために必要な書類の一部です。具体的には、外国人が日本に入国する前に、日本の大使館や領事館で申請し、許可を得る書類のことを指します。ビザは、在留資格を取得する際の入国審査で重要な役割を果たします。在留資格が許可されると、外国人はビザに記載された条件に基づいて日本に入国することができます。



Residence Status and Visa are two essential elements for foreigners planning to stay in Japan, but they have different meanings.

Residence Status: Residence Status refers to the legal status or qualification granted by the Japanese government for staying in Japan. In other words, it is the permission given to foreigners to reside in Japan for specific purposes. For instance, there are different Residence Status categories based on the purpose of stay, such as for studying, working, or staying with family members. Having a Residence Status allows foreigners to legally stay and engage in activities in Japan.

Visa: A Visa is a document required to obtain Residence Status. It is a part of the application process for foreigners before entering Japan. To apply for a Visa, individuals need to submit relevant documents to the Japanese embassy or consulate in their home country. The Visa plays a crucial role during the entry examination for obtaining Residence Status. Once the Residence Status is approved, foreigners can enter Japan based on the conditions specified in the Visa.

In simple terms, Residence Status is like a permission to stay in Japan, while the Visa is like an application form to obtain that permission.

For example, if a foreigner wants to study in Japan, they need to acquire a Residence Status for studying. To do this, they must apply for a Student Visa. Once the Student Visa is approved, they can enter Japan and start their study life legally based on the conditions specified in the Visa.



  1. 在留資格の選択:まず、滞在の目的に応じて適切な在留資格を選択します。例えば、留学、就労、家族との滞在など、異なる在留資格があります。
  2. ビザ申請:選んだ在留資格に応じて、日本の大使館や領事館でビザの申請手続きを行います。必要な書類や手続きについては、各大使館や領事館のウェブサイトで確認できます。
  3. 入国審査:ビザが承認されたら、日本への入国審査が行われます。この審査に合格することで、日本に入国できます。
  4. 在留カード交付:日本に到着した後、入国管理局で在留カード(在留カード)が交付されます。在留カードは、日本に滞在している間は携帯しておく必要があります。
  5. 在留資格更新:在留資格は一定期間で切れる場合があります。在留資格の有効期限が近づいたら、期限切れを防ぐために在留資格の更新手続きを行います。
  6. 在留資格変更:日本での状況が変わった場合、新しい在留資格に変更する必要がある場合があります。例えば、留学から就労に変更する場合などです。
  7. 在留資格取消・失効:在留資格の条件に違反したり、法律や規則に違反した場合、在留資格が取消される可能性があります。また、在留資格が期限切れになった場合も失効します。


The procedures related to obtaining a residence status are generally as follows. However, please note that the specific requirements and documents may vary depending on the type of residence status. For accurate and detailed information, it is advisable to consult the nearest Japanese embassy, consulate, or the website of the Immigration Bureau in your home country.

  1. Choose Residence Status: First, select the appropriate residence status based on the purpose of your stay. There are various residence statuses, such as for studying, working, or staying with family members.
  2. Visa Application: Depending on the chosen residence status, apply for a visa at the Japanese embassy or consulate. Check the required documents and procedures on the respective embassy or consulate website.
  3. Entry Examination: Once your visa application is approved, you will undergo an entry examination upon arriving in Japan. Passing this examination allows you to enter Japan.
  4. Residence Card Issuance: After arriving in Japan, you will be issued a residence card (zairyu card) at the Immigration Bureau. You must carry this card with you while staying in Japan.
  5. Residence Status Renewal: Residence statuses may have expiration dates. If your residence status is nearing expiration, apply for its renewal to prevent it from expiring.
  6. Residence Status Change: If your circumstances in Japan change, you may need to change to a different residence status. For example, if you change from studying to working.
  7. Residence Status Cancellation or Expiry: Your residence status may be canceled if you violate the conditions or laws. It will also expire if the validity period is reached.

By following these procedures correctly, foreign nationals can stay legally in Japan and engage in activities such as studying or working.