行政書士 乾事務所は「日本を小さな地球に」を経営理念として、我々とかかわりのある方全ての目標達成のサポートを致します。
The administrative scrivener firm, INUI Office, embraces the management philosophy of “Turning Japan into a Small Earth” and is committed to supporting the achievement of goals for all individuals with whom we are involved.
People, with their diverse backgrounds including the environments they find themselves in, the regions they have grown up in, their cultures, and their future aspirations, collectively constitute society.
While eliminating differences entirely is challenging, we believe it is possible to at least recognize and accept these differences as individual characteristics or even embrace them.
As a catalyst for this mindset, we provide support that includes foreign nationals and individuals with disabilities.
We contribute to the creation of a society where everyone can feel that they are progressing towards their own purposes.